NAB Responds

  • Digital Banking

NAB Royal Commission Response

NAB confirms it will today provide its response to a request for information from the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry.

  • 29.01.2018
  • Time to read 1 min read
  • Announcements

NAB statement in response to SA Treasurer

NAB statement in response to comments by South Australian Treasurer Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP.

  • 02.11.2017
  • Time to read 1 min read

NAB Article

  • Media Release

Statement on NAB’s corrective disclosures to customers

Between 2007 and early 2016, the Financial Services Guide and Statement of Advice templates that NAB Group licensed financial advisers provided to customers were not updated to include details of new investment managers that the NAB Group had acquired or taken a shareholding in.

  • 07.07.2017
  • Time to read 1 min read
  • Announcements

NAB Financial Planning review of client Beneficiary Nomination Forms

NAB Financial Planning is currently conducting a review of client Beneficiary Nomination Forms, to ensure they have all been correctly completed.

  • 27.05.2017
  • Time to read 1 min read
  • Announcements

NAB’s response to the Department of Treasury – Major Bank Levy

Today, NAB provided our response to the Department of Treasury regarding the Major Bank Levy.

  • 15.05.2017
  • Time to read 1 min read
  • Announcements

NAB CEO Andrew Thorburn responds to the major bank tax in the Federal Budget

NAB CEO Andrew Thorburn responds to the major bank tax in the Federal Budget 2017:

“The major bank tax will impact millions of everyday Australians who are employees, customers or shareholders of banks.

  • 11.05.2017
  • Time to read 1 min read
  • Business

NAB Responds: 60 Minutes story aired Sunday 7th May, 2017

A statement from Michael Hall – General Manager, NAB Business QLD/NT

“We sympathise with the situation that the Maloneys are now in and regret not having researched Mr Prestia before sharing his details with the Maloneys.

  • 07.05.2017
  • Time to read 1 min read

NAB Article

  • Media Release

NAB commits to implementing final Sedgwick recommendations

National Australia Bank (NAB) today reiterated its commitment to implement the final recommendations made by independent expert, Stephen Sedgwick AO, following his review into product- based commissions and payments in retail and small business banking.

  • 19.04.2017
  • Time to read 1 min read
  • Innovation

Australian Banks Disappointed that Australian Consumers Will Continue To Be Denied Choice in Mobile Wallets

The below is a joint statement on behalf of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia Bank, and Westpac.

  • 31.03.2017
  • Time to read 2 min read
  • Announcements

NAB’s Financial Advice Customer Response Initiative Update

NAB Chief Customer Officer, Consumer Banking and Wealth, Andrew Hagger, today said the Financial advice: identification and response to non-compliant advice in financial institutions report released by ASIC demonstrated the importance of the on-going commitments NAB has made to improving outcomes for customers.

  • 17.03.2017
  • Time to read 2 min read