Sharing in NAB’s success over the past financial year, Tasmanian business owner and NAB customer ‘The Udder Way’ has been tackling the issue of single use plastic waste – one milk keg at a time.
1 min read
Feature image above: Ed Crick, Founder and Managing Director of The Udder Way
Updated 24.02.2023
First Published 09.11.2022
Tasmanian business owner and NAB customer Ed Crick was running three shipping container cafes in Launceston when he saw just how big the issue of plastic milk carton waste was.
Of the billions of plastic milk bottles made each year, less than 50 per cent are recycled.
“Running the cafes, we had overflowing recycling bins of plastic milk cartons. Our cafes got so busy that we had to get more recycling bins to take away the waste,” he said.
"We realised there has to be a better way to do this.”
Ed Crick, Founder and Managing Director, The Udder Way
Finding a solution
A builder by trade, Ed set to work designing a solution.
“I thought this could be a business when I realised there is nothing else like it in the world.”
That solution is The Udder Way, a milk keg Ed designed that holds 18 litres of milk and allows for refrigerated storage and dispensing of milk from an installed tap in cafes and retail outlets.
The Udder Way milk kegs are the same size as existing milk crates, seamlessly fitting in with the existing supply chains.
"I was searching for the solution for this for weeks on end and there was nothing else that fitted the box, so I decided to make it..”
Ed Crick, Founder, The Udder Way
Sustainable business growth
The Udder Way’s mission is to remove 100 million plastic milk bottles every year.
It’s also shown Ed the business opportunity in Australia’s transition to a net-zero economy.
“The thing I love about The Udder Way is that we have the potential to have a fantastic business. But also, whilst building a fantastic business we’re building an impact on the environment,” he said.
Since its inception in 2021 The Udder Way has grown quickly.
Currently the business works with five dairies in New Zealand and six in Australia and has international expansion in Portland, Oregon in the works for next year.
Backing innovators
NAB has a critical role to play providing finance to help customers like the Udder Way deliver innovative solutions in the transition to net-zero.
Earlier this year, NAB CEO Ross McEwan visited Tasmania to meet with a range of businesses focused on reducing their environmental impact, including The Udder Way.
“Our role is to support customers and communities through the transition and fund the investments needed to create a strong and sustainable future for Australia,” NAB CEO Ross McEwan said.
“It was great to meet team and I look forward to helping Ed expand his business and get this practical solution in front of more retailers and farmers.”
Ed said that NAB’s support had been critical in helping him to grow the business.
“There’d be absolutely no doubt that we wouldn’t have been able to do what we’ve been able to do without NAB’s help.”
Sharing in a successful year
As Australia’s leading business bank, NAB is heavily focused on building strong and successful relationships that last.
Today the bank released its 2022 Full Year Results, showing strength across all areas of the bank including Business and Private Bank.
“Today’s release of FY22 results is pleasing. Business and Private Bank performed strongly with small and medium business lending growth of 13% and market share gains,” NAB CEO Ross McEwan said.
“We’ve got more bankers in more places, we’re helping more customers and we’re doing more business together. Our relationships, some that go back generations, are making the difference.”
For Ed, the challenges involved are worth it for the opportunity The Udder Way presents.
“To come from an idea from what it was in Tasmania only 18 months ago to where we are now, I’m extremely proud of that.”
For more information on The Udder Way, visit their website. View NAB’s 2022 Full Year Financial Results announcement here.
With NAB’s assistance, an Australian family-owned advanced carpet manufacturing company has secured significant funding from the Australian Business Growth Fund (ABGF).
When Jamie*, a NAB business customer, received a text from his EA, asking him about the weather in Darwin, he knew something wasn’t quite right.
3 min read
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About Liz
Liz has 10+ years experience as a writer and content creator. She’s worked in communications in financial services, health sciences and law. Her focus is website development and channel management for NAB News.