Yeppoon’s oldest customer at 100!



NAB customer Margaret turned 100 years old in January and has banked with NAB since 1940!

She has lived an adventurous life and loves to share her stories with the NAB team at the Yeppoon branch, including Branch Manager Karen Moulder and Customer Advisor Denise Mobbs.

“Margaret loves visiting the NAB branch, building relationships with the team. She loves the help they give and the friendly chit chat,” Karen said.

Margaret is not only a loyal NAB customer, but she has also worked with the bank.

“In World War Two Margaret worked for NAB as the first female Relief staff member in Brisbane and worked as far north as Bundaberg. Because the destinations were so remote, they used to prefer to send men, but with the men at war, the women took on these roles,” Karen said. “It is a time she looks back on very fondly.”

“And she still has in her possession her first NAB banking card from the 1970s! She said, ‘I won’t let anybody throw them out.’”

Karen also recalled a story Margaret told her of her father sending her off on a pony to race after the postman, who was collecting mail on horse and cart.

“Her father had a very important letter to send and told her to get on her pony and give it to the postman. She said for a young girl in was such an adrenaline rush to be racing on this pony.”

After working for NAB for three years Margaret left to become a truck driver for the US Army, travelling around North Queensland and the Philippines. When asked her secret to growing old gracefully, Margaret said longevity runs in the family:

“She said her mother lived to be 107 and six months old, and her aunty lived to be 104. Margaret said she could honestly say she had good genes,” Karen said.

For Karen, serving customers with such interesting life stories is a highlight of the job. “It’s all about the relationships that we build with our customers and the trust that they have with us. It is an honour to meet such a lovely lady, with so many interesting stories.”

Customers, banking & finance


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