NAB 2021 Full Year Results



NAB Group Chief Executive Officer Ross McEwan today released NAB’s 2021 Full Year Results to the market.

“Our results this year demonstrate we have navigated a challenging environment well while delivering better experiences for customers and colleagues, resulting in safe growth across our business,” he said.

“Asset quality outcomes improved, and cost growth was limited to 1.8% reflecting a balance between productivity and investment. FY21 has been a difficult period for Markets & Treasury income but excluding this, revenue was stable over the year and 2% higher in 2H21 compared with 1H21.

“Our strategy is achieving results. While there is still much to do, I am encouraged by our progress as we execute with discipline and focus.

“The lift in our final dividend to 67 cents per share brings the increase in total dividends over the year to 112% and reflects our optimism about the future.

“Our bank has momentum, our strategy is clear and as lockdown restrictions ease, a pick-up in activity is expected. While some uncertainties exist in the outlook including the impact of tapering support, our balance sheet settings are strong and we are well positioned for the expected economic rebound in Australia and New Zealand,” Mr McEwan said.

Full details can be viewed here.

NAB also released its 2021 Annual Review today. It can be viewed here.

Video and audio footage of Ross McEwan’s FY21 media teleconference can also be accessed here.



Media Enquiries

For all media enquiries, please contact the NAB Media Line on 03 7035 5015

Download media content

Photograph of NAB CEO Ross McEwan at St. Ali

JPG 298 KB Download

Photograph of NAB CEO Ross McEwan (left) and NAB customer St. Ali founder Salvatore Malatester

JPG 392 KB Download

Photograph of NAB CEO Ross McEwan (left) and NAB customer St. Ali founder Salvatore Malatester

JPG 252 KB Download

Transcript of media conference - NAB 2021 Full Year Results

PDF 160 KB Download

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