NAB’s Customer Hub begins national roll out



NAB View is the latest innovation being deployed to NAB’s 4500 business bankers in order to provide better advice to customers.

The deployment of NAB View follows last week’s statements by NAB CEO Andrew Thorburn that the bank was prepared to ‘fight’ to protect its status as Australia’s biggest business bank and the bank is in the process of recruiting one hundred more business bankers.

NAB Chief Information Officer David Boyle explained the tool, called NAB View, is designed to help put the customer at the centre of every conversation in Australia’s largest business bank.

“Relationships are at the heart of business banking,” Mr Boyle said.

“As our CEO said last week, bankers play an important role in helping local businesses grow and create new jobs in the economy. We want to see more ambition and entrepreneurship in our country, and tools like NAB View will help our bankers provide expert advice to customers to achieve that goal.

“NAB View provides NAB bankers with a wider, deeper range of customer information. This enables bankers to know their customers better, have better quality conversations and be better equipped to meet their needs.”

NAB View, part of the NextGen core banking program, is built off the Oracle Customer Hub and combines information from three different sources: NAB’s core customer and account information, NAB Wealth and Wholesale Banking.

“NAB View is the portal that draws data from the Customer Hub and presents it to bankers with integrated tools. This means that a banker can see a customer’s entire relationship on just one screen – whether they hold traditional NAB personal or business accounts, accounts in UBank, policies with MLC or as a wholesale banking customer.

“Consolidating data in one spot enables bankers to be faster and more efficient, meaning they’ll spend less time finding and reviewing information across different systems, and more time providing advice to customers.

“For example, NAB View halves the time it takes on average for a business banker to complete an annual review with a customer. With this extra time up their sleeves, bankers can spend more time focusing on their clients’ future needs.”

Mr Boyle explained the scale and scope of bringing Oracle’s Customer Hub into use.

“NAB View draws together information on more than 12 million customer accounts and approximately 150 million records.

“It took four months to consolidate the data onto the Customer Hub when we first turned it on – that should give everyone a sense as to how big this task was.”

Completing the Oracle Customer Hub is an important milestone in NAB’s transformation agenda, which encompasses major upgrades across technology infrastructure and the NextGen core banking program.

NextGen is the program to deliver a digital core banking platform for NAB. In addition to NAB View, the program has delivered securitisation, a new general ledger, funds transfer pricing and the core foundation now operational in UBank servicing close to 400,000 customers.




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