Latest News
From fire and grief to a coffee cart
Small business owner Matthew Kidson is one of the customers that NAB Assist’s Chantelle Marianov has supported through tough times. It all started with a fire.
- 12.01.2023
4 min read
NAB to provide $1,000 emergency grants to WA and NT flood-impacted customers
NAB has today opened applications for $1,000 emergency grants to assist customers severely affected by flooding in officially declared disaster areas of WA and NT following Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie.
- 10.01.2023
1 min read
NAB to support flood-impacted customers in WA
NAB is providing financial support to customers impacted in flood-affected areas of the northern Kimberley and Fitzroy Crossing regions in Western Australia.
- 07.01.2023
1 min read
NAB here to help new parents
New parents finding home loan repayments challenging may now be eligible for additional support under a new offering from NAB Assist.
- 28.12.2022
1 min read
NAB warns against payday lending ahead of Christmas
NAB is warning against the dangers of payday loans, as more Aussies turn to the ‘quick fix’ lending to deal with rising cost of living.
- 21.11.2022
2 min read
NAB Assist on the state of Australia’s financial health
Australians are generally coping well financially and making ends meet but 36% say they’ve experienced some kind of hardship in the past three months, according to new NAB research.
- 18.11.2022
2 min read
NAB Ventures invests in Banked
NAB Ventures has made an investment in global account-to-account payment network, Banked.
- 17.11.2022
1 min read
How Open Banking is evolving: Australia & UK comparison
Safe, customer-permissioned data sharing regimes are critical for unlocking the future potential of our economies. Governments across the globe have increasingly embraced this imperative, primarily commencing in the banking sector, through the progression of ‘Open Banking’ frameworks. In this report, a preview of a broader report we are producing with NatWest early next year, we explore progress on Open Banking in Australia and compare this with the UK which is further advanced in this area.
- 17.11.2022
5 min read
Making digital human and why it matters
NAB’s Chief Digital, Data and Analytics, Angela Mentis, spoke at the Australian British Chamber of Commerce on 16 November 2022 about Making Digital Human and Why it Matters
- 16.11.2022
12 min read
NAB introduces fee-free international transfers
In a first for major Australian banks, NAB will no longer charge a fee for overseas transfers in a foreign currency when using NAB Internet Banking and the NAB app.
- 15.11.2022
1 min read
NAB launches ‘Money Mondays’ with leading therapist
One in two Australians don’t sit down regularly to look at their finances and one in three say that money is a source of conflict in their relationship, according to new NAB research.
- 13.11.2022
3 min read
Staying alert to ‘spoofing’ scams
When Sasha received a call instructing her to transfer her savings of over $17k, Jenny knew it was dodgy.
- 11.11.2022
2 min read
Competition in savings pays dividends for Australians
Huge numbers of Australians are taking advantage of increased savings rates, with term deposits surging in popularity.
- 08.11.2022
2 min read
NAB extends $1,000 grants to customers severely impacted by floods
NAB has today extended the availability for $1,000 grants until 22 November, to assist customers severely affected by flooding in officially declared disaster areas of Victoria, NSW and Tasmania.
- 07.11.2022
2 min read
NAB supports flood-impacted customers
- 13.10.2022
1 min read
High employment keeps cost of living pressure at bay
NAB research today reveals that record employment rates are countering concerns around the cost of living.
- 13.10.2022
1 min read